This technique allows to dye fibers without any synthetic products. I create textiles using only organic dyestuff - leaves and roots, discarded flowers or waste material - to extract pigments. It is usually one-of-a-kind pieces since many factors (such as water, climate, harvesting time etc) may affect the resulting tone. There is some wonderful element of unpredictability and magic, when we need to embrace the process rather than controling it.
The technique has a long history and goes back to cave paintings. Now its being revived not as an outdated craft but a fresh and unique tool for fiber arts and sustainable garments. Natural dyeing is a beautiful practice which teaches us to learn from Nature, to borrow with gratitude and apreciate the land we live in.
Beautiful poster made by a friend about my lectures on natural dyeing in Russian British Istitute of Technology in the Fall 2015.
Silk dyed with autumn flowers: petunia, calendula, marigold and geranium.
"September Washes". Bundle dyeing with marigolds and petunias.
"Autumn Forest" - silk dyed with dahlia, coreopsis and calendula.
"Autumn Forest" detail
"First Snow", Eco dyeing with mallows and marigolds
Natural Dyeing

Natural Dyeing

Dyeing textiles and creating patterns with plants
